
Master Thesis and PhD. Students

If you are interested in doing your PhD. or Master Thesis under my supervision (or if you think that I can of any help with that), just fill the form in the contact section of this website indicating your research interests and goals. You can find below a list of my current and past students.


Msc. Juan Pablo Jorge is carrying out his PhD. at the University of Buenos Aires. His research is focused on the foundations of quantum mechanics and the application of non-deterministic semantics to the characterization of quantum states.  

Advisor: Federico Holik

Coadvisor: Lucas Rosenblatt

Msc. Andrés Granda Arango is carrying out his PhD. at the University of Cagliari. His research is focused on the foundations of quantum mechanics and quantum information theory.

Advisor: Giuseppe Sergioli

Coadvisor 1: Federico Holik

Coadvisor 2: Gustavo Martín Bosyk

MsC. Paula Céspedes is carrying out her PhD. at the National University of Córdoba. Her work focusses in the study of correlations of indistinguishable particles.

Advisor: Ana Paula Majtey 

Coadvisor: Federico Holik

MsC. Emanuel Shai Comedi has a PhD. Fellowship of CONICET under the Supervision of Federico Hernán Holik. He is a member of the Quantum Logic + Probability Group. His activities are focused on the study of the arrow of time in quantum physics.

Advisor: Federico Hernán Holik 

MsC. Kevin Dávila Castellar is carrying out his PhD. at the University of Los Andes (Colombia) under the supervision of Prof. Maricarmen Martinez Baldares. He is doing an Internship at the Quantum Logic + Probability Group under the supervision of Dr. Federico Hernán Holik. His activities are focused on the study of potential applications of his PhD. research topics to the thepry of Quasisets and the analysis of quantum algorithms.

Advisor (Internship): Federico Hernán Holik 

Advisor (PhD): Maricarmen Martinez Baldares



Victor Penas is Rsearch Assitant at CONICET. He works quantum information applications such as the MaxEnt principle technique and optimization problems.

Advisor: Pedro Walter Lamberti

Coadvisor: Federico Hernán Holik

Master Thesis Students (in the past)

I list below Master Thesis students in the past.

Giannina Zerr is carried out her Master Thesis at the University of Buenos Aires in 2024. She worked in the project related to the estimation of symmetric quantum states using the MaxEnt method.

Advisor: Federico Hernán Holik

Coadvisor: Marcelo Adrián Losada

Elisa Monchietti is carryied out her Master Thesis at the National University of Rosario in 2024. She worked on a measure theoretic approach to negative probabilities and quantum contextuality.

Advisor: Federico Hernán Holik

Coadvisor: Omar Fojón


Throughout my career I was fortunate to work with many excellent professionals. I have learned a lot from them and I am grateful for it. You can find some of them below.