Philosophy Of Quantum Physics
The Problem Of Interpretation

Many Questions, Too Many Answers

After many years of heated debates, we are still trying to understand what happens at the atomic and subatomic level. The superposition principle, non-locality, quantum non-individuality, and the classical limit, are examples of the hot topics that divide waters in the physics community. 

The Need To Understand

An old saying that many physicists heard while students was: “Shut up and compute!.” But the development of quantum technologies led to the capability of manipulating individual quantum systems. Many questions that were considered philosophical in the old days, are now crucial for understanding what happens in the laboratories on a daily basis. The way we interpret things is relevant for the task of developing quantum technologies.

Interpretations Of Quantum Theory

The discussions about what is going on at the quantum level leads to the problem of the interpretation of the quantum formalism. Here is where the philosophical debate enters the stage.

Joining Efforts To Gain Insight

Along my carreer I have joined forces with philosophers of physics to enhance our capability of dealing with the old interpretational problems. Check on some of our developments in this link.